Who Owns the Air
Air / environment
cancer alley, louisiana + manhattan
columbia GSAPP2020
columbia GSAPP2020
studio by Nahyun Hwang
team SeokHyun Kim
The project challenges monetized corporate ownership of air and their
architecture, often implemented through transactional practices such as Air Rights purchase and the carbon credit right to pollute permits.
The future JP Morgan Chase building, the former Union Carbide headquarters at 270 Park Avenue is intervened to explore the possibilities in a new spatial regulation that imposes the cause-and-effec relationship between often obscured air pollution by corporations and their highly visible Manhattan square feet.
The proposal aims to create an urban legibility by bringing into the same building the two types of parallelsites and create a juxtaposition of the corporate space and the materiality of the polluted areas like Cancer Alley. In order to locate them, common space in a corporation skyscraper were considered such as the lobby, the elevator, the office spaces, the conference space, theenclosed garden and the observatory. The new regulation indicates that the more one pollutes in a parallel site, the more space will lose in its headquarters.
architecture, often implemented through transactional practices such as Air Rights purchase and the carbon credit right to pollute permits.

The future JP Morgan Chase building, the former Union Carbide headquarters at 270 Park Avenue is intervened to explore the possibilities in a new spatial regulation that imposes the cause-and-effec relationship between often obscured air pollution by corporations and their highly visible Manhattan square feet.

The proposal aims to create an urban legibility by bringing into the same building the two types of parallelsites and create a juxtaposition of the corporate space and the materiality of the polluted areas like Cancer Alley. In order to locate them, common space in a corporation skyscraper were considered such as the lobby, the elevator, the office spaces, the conference space, theenclosed garden and the observatory. The new regulation indicates that the more one pollutes in a parallel site, the more space will lose in its headquarters.
